2012年5月、ルイジアナ近代美術館(フムレベック、デンマーク)でのパフォーマンスヴィデオ 39分11秒
To persist in thinking about something can be challenging, especially an unanswerable question or a question to oneself. One marvelous aspect of Horn, who never stops working and thinking, is the overwhelming endurance and power of her thought process. Recalling the poetic interior monologues of Georges Perec, Saying Water is a prose poem on the subject of “thinking about water.” Interspersed with pop music lyrics and news reports of incidents, the artist’s thoughts – on water’s fearful power that beckons people into darkness, the pleasurable sensation of seeing color and form reflected in water, water’s essential unknowability – flow like an unending stream, freely shifting and transforming. Interwoven with Horn’s characteristic humor, the text is a meditative journey that evades closure and questions preconceived notions of understanding and harmony.