Exhibition Structure / New Collection Part2
Gerhard Richter
《Abstract Painting (649-2)》
oil on canvas
200.7 × 200.8 cm
© Gerhard Richter 2021(05102021)
Gerhard Richter (b. 1932), one of the most prominent figures in contemporary painting, has opened up a host of possibilities in the medium. Although his early efforts were primarily figurative paintings based on photographs, in the late 1970s, Richter embarked on the Abstract Painting series, which later came to be his life work. After pursuing an approach in which the trajectory of his hand was clearly visible until the mid-’80s, Richter switched to a more polished style in this series, which he began in the late ’80s. This work, made in 1987, contains rich images evoked by multiple layers of paint that were applied with a squeegee and the materiality of the pigments. While overlapping in a complex manner, the lucid structure, the rich bright colors that fill the picture plane, and the immersive scale of the work suggest a level of completion and stability that exemplify Richter’s Abstract Paintings.