A Renewal of Passion: The Impact of Van Gogh
Sat., May 31 – Sun., November 30, 2025 Open Daily
Pola Museum of Art, Gallery 1,2,3, Atrium Gallery
Pola Museum of Art, Pola Art Foundation
It is with great pleasure that we present the first exhibition of art by Vincent van Gogh ever held at the Pola Museum of Art.
Over his brief 37-year life, Van Gogh produced a large number of paintings and attained renown for a unique style centering on undulating brush strokes and vivid colors. Above all, however, Van Gogh’s reputation lies on his dramatic life. Even in Japan, since the early 20th century, Van Gogh’s total devotion to his highly individualistic and passionate art has touched the hearts of art enthusiasts while also exerting a wide-ranging impact on various fields of culture and society.
Moreover, Van Gogh’s work continues to provide artists with inspiration in the present day. How have these creators generated a new sense of passion suited to a given period? While retracing history, this exhibition considers the value of Van Gogh for people of the current era.
Vincent van Gogh, The Gleize Bridge over the Vigueirat Canal, 1888, Pola Museum of Art
Morimura Yasumasa, Self-Portrait through Art History (Van Gogh/Blue Flame), 2016, Pola Museum of Art
copyright the artist, courtesy of ShugoArts