
Foujita’s Paintings and Drawings for his Lovers, Wives, and Friends

2018.07.22 — 2018.12.02

Foujita became the darling of 1920s Paris, nicknamed ‘Fou-Fou’ and engaging in sensational activity and close friendships thereafter in Paris, Tokyo, and other cities. Living to be almost 80 years old, he exhibited many highly appreciated masterpieces but he also presented many works to people close to him. These paintings and drawings for his ‘lovers, wives, and friends’ reflect both bold ideas and delicate technique. They are humorous and full of the heartfelt warmth and charm of a person who values intimate persons and objects.


This exhibition commemorating the 50th anniversary of Foujita’s death includes 26 works newly added to the Pola Museum of Art collection that shed light on Foujita as an artist and also as a person who generously presented his drawings and paintings to people close to him.

《À la manière de Maurice Utrillo. Femmes dans la rue》 1926   ©Fondation Foujita / ADAGP, Paris & JASPAR, Tokyo, 2018 E3058
《À la manière de Kees van Dongen. Tête de femme au collier de perles》1926  ©Fondation Foujita / ADAGP, Paris & JASPAR, Tokyo, 2018 E3058
《À la manière de Henri Matisse. Nu assis dans un fauteuil》1926  ©Fondation Foujita / ADAGP, Paris & JASPAR, Tokyo, 2018 E3058
《À la manière de Jean Cocteau. Le profil, l’enfant et la bouteille》 1926  
©Fondation Foujita / ADAGP, Paris & JASPAR, Tokyo, 2018 E3058